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How to Feel Like a Rock Star!

How’d it go this morning?

Did you hit the snooze button repeatedly until you had to get up, or did you jump out of bed eager to attack your day?

Did you turn to artificial energy — caffeine and sugar — to put some pep in your step, or were your batteries completely recharged from a good night’s sleep?

Did you feel like a rock — static and inert — or did you feel like a rock star?

I tell ya, if you’re not feeling like a rock star all day, every day, then you’re probably not living your best life — and that’s no fun.

Maybe you’re getting to bed too late.

Maybe the automatic negative thoughts in your head (ANTs) are wearing you down.

Or maybe you’re just not feeling passionate about your occupation, and dread showing up to work for another eight to nine hours of trading misery for a paycheck.

The circumstances standing between you and rock stardom abound. But with a few tweaks here and there, I can almost guarantee that your energy and vitality can shoot to the top of the charts.

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Can Bone Broth Consumption Reduce Protein Requirements?

by Sean Croxton & Chef Lance Roll

Over the years, I have gotten my fair share of email from readers, viewers, and listeners wondering what they can do if high-quality (grass-fed, free-range, wild) protein sources aren’t quite in the budget.

Well, here’s a pretty cool option — you can drink more bone broth!

It’s cheap. It heals the gut, thus improving nutrient absorption. And apparently, when consumed in sufficient quantities, it reduces our protein needs. In other words, we can get away with consuming less protein.

Sarah Pope covered this topic pretty thoroughly in her Real Food Summit presentation, which I have posted for FREE viewing as part of yesterday’s blog.

Check out the video clip below in which Chef Lance Roll and I discuss this fascinating benefit of that magical elixir we call bone broth.

To listen to the entire show, click HERE.

Listen to internet radio with Underground Wellness on Blog Talk Radio


Host, The Real Food Summit
Real Food Summit

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Top 5 Reasons Why Bone Broth is The Bomb.

by Sean Croxton

This stuff is awesome.

Never in my life did I imagine I’d be so head over heels about a soup made from bones.

I guess you can say I have quite the man crush on the rich, brown liquid that fills my coffee cup each morning.

It makes me feel warm inside, and puts a little pep in my step.

And oh my, is it tasty!

But my fondness for bone broth goes well beyond its taste and warmth. There’s a reason why it’s called the magic elixir — and it’s a darn shame that more people aren’t drinking it.

There was a time, not long ago, when bone broth was a part of just about every meal we consumed in this country, as it provided the base for soups, gravies, and stews. Unfortunately, with the disappearance of the local butcher as well as the invention of brain-cell-killing MSG — which gave processed foods an artificial meaty flavor — preparing broth became a lost art.

These days, very few of us even know what it is, or why we should be consuming it.

So today I thought I’d share with you my own personal Top 5 Reasons Why Bone Broth is The Bomb. Here we go!

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How to Become a Person of Influence

by Sean Croxton & Elliott Hulse

Who knew?

I honestly had no idea how much a webcam — a Christmas present from my roommate way back in 2006 — would change my life.

In hindsight, my roomie hadn’t just gifted me a webcam. Instead, he gave me the gift of influence — the ability to change lives, including my own.

We live in an incredible time, a time when anyone with something to say can instantly transmit their message to masses with the click of a mouse . We can upload a video, record a podcast, write a blog, blast an email, post an update, tweet a tweet…

It’s endless.

A decade ago, reaching tens of thousands — if not millions — of people would have cost a pretty penny. These days, it’s FREE.

In fact, many social media platforms will pay YOU for your content. YouTube and Blogtalk Radio have been paying my utility bills for years, and Amazon puts gas in my Jeep.

Influence certainly pays, but it also fulfills. I cannot even begin to express how it feels to read emails from thankful followers, to have them stop me on the sidewalk to share stories about how my videos changed their lives forever, to hear those familiar words — “I feel like I know you!”

It’s pretty darn rad.

Being a person of influence has also connected me with other influencers, one of whom is my main man Elliott Hulse.

I met Elliott almost two years ago at the Fitness Business Summit, where he gave a presentation on building a following through online video. I knew right away that we would be friends.

With 67 thousand YouTube subscribers and almost 12 million video views, Elliott is certainly one of the premier influencers on the internet today. The best part is that he wants YOU to be just as influential.

On this week’s episode of UW Radio, Mr. Hulse and I discussed his Four Keys to Magnetic Influence, which include…

Key #1: They MUST be fascinated with you.
Key #2: They must feel a deep VALUES CONNECTION with you.
Key #3: They must feel that your possess an uncanny SUPER POWER.
Key #4: You must relate and speak to them through your SECRET LANGUAGE.

I thoroughly enjoyed this show, as Elliott and I got to give our takes on…

* How we deal with haters.
* Why there is nothing wrong with earning an income through influence.
* Some of our favorite books.

Click the player below to LISTEN to the entire show.

Listen to internet radio with Underground Wellness on Blog Talk Radio

Or watch the teaser video below to find out how your own personal story is so instrumental in influencing and connecting with others.

Happy Friday!


Sean Croxton
Author, The Dark Side of Fat Loss
Dark Side of Fat Loss

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From Slavery to Sharecropping to Solutions (Part 2 of 2)

by Sean Croxton

Click HERE for Part 1.

It went well.

Last Saturday, I had the privilege of presenting at the Black Male Empowerment Summit at Georgia Southern University (GSU). In the hours leading up to the first of my two talks, I wondered if these young men (and a few women) would even be interested in listening to me babble about holistic health and wellness for an hour. Turns out they were.

They raised their hands and asked great questions.

They shared their own experiences.

They expressed their frustrations with the limited access to healthy food.

These young people really cared.

Despite their interest in the topic, I wondered if I had really made an impact — would any of my attendees actually put the information to use?

Then this week, while I read Will Allen’s book The Good Food Revolution for the second time, I came across a passage regarding a recent study of one hundred sixth-graders who had participated in a hands-on, garden-based nutrition education program. Allen writes,

“(These students were compared) with two other groups: students who were taught nutrition lessons in a classroom and those who were given no nutrition education at all. The researchers found no significant difference a year later in the vegetable and fruit consumption of children without nutrition education and those who received nutrition classes. The students who received hands-on training in a garden, however, increased their fruit and vegetable intake by more than two servings a day.” (Allen, 160-161)

No, I don’t typically work with sixth-graders (then again, maybe I should), but I can’t help but wonder…