Posted by in fit, wellness

Can Too Much Exercise Cause Adrenal Dysfunction?

by Sean Croxton and Reed Davis

If I could turn back the hands of time and become a personal trainer again, I would do a LOT of things differently.

Of course, I would NOT have put my clients on the Food Guide Pyramid diet plan. Whoops!

But in hindsight, I think one of my biggest mistakes was pushing so much cardio on my clients. If you’ve read the intro to my ebook — which you can get for free HERE — you’re familiar with my old “cardio sign-in sheets”.

Each week, I assigned my clients a specific number of calories to burn off on their cardio machine(s) of choice. For example, if the goal was to burn 5000 calories in a week, clients were required to document each cardio session on the sign-in sheet that hung up in my office. For some, a 5000-calorie objective called for five 1000-calorie sessions over a seven-day period. This could take as long as 2 hours a day for my smaller clients. Sometimes, they even had to pull double-duty, coming in twice a day to meet their weekly goals.


What drove me bat-sh*t crazy was the fact that, despite these arduous cardio sessions in addition to severely calorie-restricted diets, most clients wouldn’t drop a single pound. Some even gained weight. It was the most perplexing thing ever!

Fast forward half a decade, and I finally learned the truth about why my approach was failing over and over again. Not only were my clients consuming the wrong foods, but the majority of them actually needed LESS exercise.

My clients were already stressed out enough as it was — emotionally, financially, socially, and spiritually. My methods of gross overtraining were only making matters worse.

Posted by in wellness

The FREE Webinar about Adrenal Dysfunction

by Sean Croxton & Reed Davis

This was cool.

Last Thursday, my main man Reed Davis — founder of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN) — and I got together for another one of our FREE functional medicine webinars.

This time we covered adrenal dysfunction, an extremely common hormonal imbalance that often lies at the root of health challenges. Unfortunately, most doctors completely ignore it.

Over 600 people attended this webinar live. The response through email, Twitter, and Facebook was amazing!

If you missed it, check it out below. Be sure to hang around to the very end when Reed offers a generous discount on the FDN course, which includes a bonus 1-hour call with me.

Taking the FDN course back in 2008 was one of the best decisions I ever made. I built a successful home-based business with it, and it has given me the knowledge and skills to help thousands of people through video, podcasting, consulting, and my ebook.

Hope to have you on board!

F.Y.I. — Our recording came out a bit out of synch, so Reed re-recorded the presentation for you. Also, be sure to check out TONIGHT’S live Q&A session with Reed and I. We’re going on the air at 5pm PT/8pm ET. If you have questions, please dial 347-237-5608 during the show, or you can post your questions below.

UPDATE: Click the player below to listen to the Q&A session.

Listen to internet radio with Underground Wellness on Blog Talk Radio

Check. This. Out.

Learn More about FDN HERE!


Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist
Author, The Dark Side of Fat Loss
Dark Side of Fat Loss

Posted by in wellness

Don’t Eat Beaver Butt.

by Sean Croxton

Don’t eat beaver butt.

Only in a food system this weird would the above recommendation be necessary.

Seriously, who would ever imagine that vanilla and raspberry natural flavorings were derived from secretions from the anal glands of beavers?

Maybe an even better question is who discovered this. And how?

It is a little-known fact that the natural and artificial flavors listed on ingredients labels are a whole list of chemical nastiness themselves.

Unfortunately, you don’t get to see them since they are protected by trade secret laws. To be honest, if I were a food manufacturer I’d want to keep the whole beaver anal glands thing a secret, too.

Maybe that’s the solution. Maybe we should push for the elimination of these trade secrets, thus requiring companies to include what their flavorings are really made out of. Reading a label and stumbling upon the words “beaver ass” may be exactly what we need to get people to think about what they’re putting into their bodies.

Just an idea.

Posted by in wellness

From Slavery to Sharecropping to Sickness. (Part 1 of 2)

by Sean Croxton

I’m actually a bit embarrassed about this one.

Tomorrow morning I’ll be hopping on a bird and flying to the great State of Georgia to speak at the Black Male Empowerment Summit at Georgia Southern University.

My presentation, entitled How to Survive College with Your Health Intact, will offer these young men simple tips and strategies for avoiding the typical health challenges — weight gain, depression, blood sugar dysregulation, and more — that students often encounter by the time they make that final walk across the stage.

But that’s not what I’m embarrassed about.

What’s had me feeling a bit ashamed over these past couple weeks, as I’ve prepared for my talk, is my complete disconnection with the history of agriculture and its impact on the Black community.

It’s been 25 years since I moved from Oakland, CA, where my neighbors and classmates were pretty much all of color, to nearby Alameda, a predominantly White community where I was one of only three Black kids in the entire school.

I’ll never forget the first day of fourth grade at Saint Philip Neri Elementary School. I sat in Mom’s Volvo station wagon crying my eyes out as I looked out into the playground trying to find a single Black face. Talk about culture shock!

Alameda is where I would call home until I left to attend San Diego State University in 1995. I probably don’t have to tell you the demographics there.

By no means are my memories of living in a Black community ones of poverty or hardship. My father was one of the best shoe salesmen Macy’s had ever seen. Mom worked for the phone company.

We lived in a two-story house with a well-kept lawn and a tall palm tree in the front yard. My brother and I had a room dedicated to toys — The Toy Room, we called it — and a swing set and basketball court out back.

Every night, we sat around the kitchen table, talked, and ate Mom’s home-cooked meals. I can even vaguely remember Mom (then again, maybe it was Dad) growing strawberries, tomatoes, and lemons in the backyard. But the vivid memories of spending many Saturdays on my hands and knees pulling weeds will never leave me.

I hated pulling weeds.

Soon after my parents divorced, Dad hit the road and never looked back. My brother and I were two young Black kids being raised by a Mexican mother in a White community. We were mixed up, both literally and ethnically.

As I grew older, I became well aware of the fact that I was missing out on Black culture. In an attempt to make up for it, I read books like The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Soul on Ice, and Manchild in the Promised Land. I can tell you all about the Black Panthers, Fred Hamptom, and the FBI’s programs to destroy the reputations of black leaders (and more).

But one thing I couldn’t tell you about is the connection between agriculture and the current state of the black community. It never clicked. That is, until now.

I have Will Allen — an urban farmer based in Milwaukee, WI — and his book The Good Food Revolution to thank for that.

Posted by in mind

I Love Cookies!

by Sean Croxton

If you were to ask me what I’d want for my very last meal, my answer might surprise you.

Grass-fed steak? No.

Free-range chicken? No.

Nope, not even bacon. And I love bacon.

I’d much rather roll with a platter of homemade chocolate chip cookies and sushi rolls, along with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with the crust cut off. Mmmmm…

If my answer shocks you — or even borders on hypocrisy, in your opinion — I should remind you that I’m human. Although I’m the Just Eat Real Food guy, even I have relationships with certain foods that are hard to break.

In fact, my adoration for chocolate chips, sushi, and PB&J is nothing I ever wish to eliminate from my psyche. I know why I love them. I understand where it comes from. And I know better than to let these feelings dominate my mealtime decisions.

When I was a kid, my fondest memories are of those special afternoons when Mom and I would make chocolate chip cookies from scratch. I remember cracking the eggs, adding the vanilla, stirring up the batter with that humongous wooden spoon, and licking the mixing bowl clean. Those were the days.

I also remember when my Mom started bringing home sushi after work. At first I refused to eat it. The idea of “eating raw fish” repulsed me. But eventually I gave it a try and was won over by California rolls. It was an instant addiction. Mom and I ended up becoming sushi buddies.

PB&J just reminds me of my childhood in general. Crunchy peanut butter. Smucker’s jelly. White bread. Heaven.

It’s been 17 years since I left home and moved 500 miles south to San Diego. But the two things that keep me connected to my Mom — beside our phones and flights home — are my infrequent trips to the cookie shop and weekly orders for take-out sushi.

These cases of the Mommy Munchies are what this week’s UW Radio guest Christa Orecchio called associative cravings — a deep, rich connection between food and my love for my Mama.

And there’s nothing wrong with it. We all have these connections. Every one of us.

Like relationships between people, the relationships we have with food can be healthy, unhealthy, or downright destructive. As a diet and lifestyle coach my clients often exhibited signs of the latter, as many related to food as medication, a best friend, or an escape from reality. Without understanding these relationships, making long-term dietary changes can often be impossible.

In the episode below, Christa — a certified holistic nutritionist — and I discuss how she helps her clients determine their perspectives and relationships with food, as well as how they go about improving them.

You can also watch the video below to catch a teaser clip in which Christa tells a story of how just being mindful of what we eat can lead to dramatic improvements in our health.

Learn more about my guest at

I hope you enjoy the show!

Now I’m off to the cookie shop.



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Real Food Summit