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The Day

by Sean Croxton

I can’t believe this day is finally here.

It seems like just yesterday when I first sat down to write a book. That was almost seven years ago. It was a survival guide for college students looking to avoid the Freshman Fifteen. I got about 6 or 7 chapters deep, and for some reason I just stopped writing. I always said I would go back and finish it but I never did.

Then, a couple of years ago I began writing a new book. This one was called Why You’re Fat, Tired, and Sick. Same thing happened. I got about 50 pages into what I thought was some of the best writing. But I couldn’t finish. There was some kind of block on my brain that would not allow me to finish what I had started. It was the epitome of self-sabotage.

My dream of becoming an author goes back to my childhood. My Mom and Dad took reading and education very seriously. I can recall being 6 or 7 years old and getting books in the mail about Abe Lincoln, Louis Pasteur, and The Civil War. As a treat, Mom would take my brother and I on trips to the library. And as I got older I would always find myself wandering around the local Walden Books store absolutely mesmerized by the many shelves of books, titles, and names. I knew that one day I would have my own book – that I would one day become an author.

Today is that day.

Writing a book is not easy. As my writing coach Luke Shanahan says, writing is like a heavyweight boxing match. It’s long. It’s grueling. And it will knock you out in a split second if you don’t keep your guard up.

The last 5 months have been an all-out war. I took plenty of lumps and learned a lot of lessons. My respect for authors has grown exponentially. Writing is a lonely, arduous process. It will kick your butt all over the ring. But like Rocky Balboa says in one of my favorite movie scenes, “you take the hits and keep moving forward.” Once the fight is over and the final bell rings, the triumph of finishing far outweighs the punishment taken.

The biggest lesson this journey has taught me is that there is seldom a goal that can ever be reached without the help of others. In the past, my failures were not only due to an inappropriate mindset but also a lack of teamwork. I had been trying to do everything by myself. Life doesn’t work that way.

Between every round of a boxing match, the boxer returns to his corner where his team awaits to give him the advice and encouragement he needs to keep moving forward.

The Dark Side of Fat Loss isn’t just my book. Yeah, my name is listed as the author, but it would have never come to being without a strong team. I owe these people so much for their hard work and tutelage. The people in my corner included:

* Luke Shanahan – Writing Coach
* Carrie Medeiros – Graphic Designer
* Dr. Marla Brucker – Peak Performance Coach
* Stephanie Matos – Research
* Allyson Drosten-Brooks – Underground Cookbook Coordinator
* Brett Klika – Author, The Underground Workout Manual
* David Sinick – Marketing
* Karl Cossio – Web Design
* Andy Anderson – Underground Workout Manual video filming/editing
* Denise the VA – Underground Workout Manual assistant
* Evelyne & Nathalie Lambrecht – Proofreaders
* The Real Foodists from around the world who submitted recipes/videos

The people above were the difference between winning and losing. I am very grateful for everything they put into this project.

As elated as I am right now, it is not over yet. Yeah, I know I’ve got this fight won, but the final bell has yet to sound. That happens tonight at 5pm PT/8pm ET on UW Radio when we launch DSFL, make the website live for orders, and take you on a journey to The Dark Side.

Thank YOU so much for your support. Without you – the readers, listeners, and viewers – none of this would have ever happened.

My dream will come true. In a matter of hours, I will become an author.

In the meantime, I’ll just keep dancing around the ring with my arms held high.

At 5pm PST tonight, the bell goes ding.

This is how winning is done.

Sean Croxton
Author, The Dark Side of Fat Loss

Posted by in fit

FFD Workout: The Underground Workout!

by Sean Croxton & Brett Klika

I know! I’m a day behind with this one. My Friday was tied up with moving into a new apartment. Love my new place!

Today’s (or yesterday’s) Friday Fun Day is a lesson in isometric creativity, as Brett Klika, author of The Underground Workout Manual, challenges my core, balance, and toughness.

Be sure to do this one with a friend. Doing it by yourself would be, well, interesting…


Sean Croxton
Author, The Dark Side of Fat Loss

Posted by in podcast, wellness

The Palm Oil Miracle

by Sean Croxton & Bruce Fife ND


Dr. Bruce Fife dropped some monster truth bombs on UW Radio this week, exploding some long-held myths surrounding palm oil.

I’m honestly not sure which oil I love more now, coconut or palm. Maybe, I can just love them both the same.

Like coconut oil, palm oil is a healthy saturated fat that resists oxidization when heated. It also boosts the immune system, reduces the risk of cancer, and assists with blood sugar control.

What sets palm oil apart from coconut oil is the wide variety of nutrients it contains, including:

* vitamin E
* beta-carotene
* coenzyme Q10
* squalene
* vitamin K
* sterols

Click HERE to listen to the replay and learn all about it! Dr. Fife and I discuss:

* How the research on the link between saturated fat and heart disease was actually conducted on trans fats
* The BIG difference between vitamin E tocopherols and tocotrienols
* How the squalene in palm oil protects you from all forms of radiation
* How palm oil is far more eco-friendly than soy and corn oils
* Why palm oil is actually good for the heart, as it is loaded with coenzyme Q10
* How environmental rumors surrounding palm oil are untrue
* The difference between red and white palm oils
* Much MORE

Click the video below for a sneak peek! And don’t miss next Thursday’s episode of UW Radio with Dr. Kaayla T. Daniel. We’ll be discussing Sex and the Soybean. Sounds like fun!

Sean Croxton
Author, The Dark Side of Fat Loss

Posted by in fit

FFD Workout: The Slosh Pipe!

by Sean Croxton & Tony Lewis

I love traveling.

Last week, I had the good fortune of having the opportunity to see the sights in Washington, DC and to hang out in Gainesville, VA with my main man Tony Lewis of Designer Fitness and Wellness Center.

Tony was celebrating the 10th Anniversary of his awesome facility. We partied with his clients and, of course, we got our fitness on!

In today’s Friday Fun Day episode, I get a crash course in slosh piping.

What’s a slosh pipe? Well, it’s a PVC pipe with about 25 pounds (or more) of water in it. It seriously challenged my balance and core strength. MUCH harder than it looks. Trust me.

Slosh pipes are super cheap to put together. Looking forward to having a few of my own.

Check out the video below! Lemme know what you think.

Oh! And be sure to check out last night’s UW Radio broadcast with our favorite fats and oils expert Dr. Bruce Fife. Click HERE to learn all about The Coconut Oil Miracle. Allyson is working on a video clip. We’ll have it up shortly.



Posted by in podcast, wellness

Are You Eating the Sacred Fertility Foods?

by Sean Croxton & Chris Kresser

A couple weeks ago, my main man Chris Kresser was on the radio show discussing his Healthy Baby Code e-course. Again, Chris dropped one truth bomb after another.

Check out the video below in which Chris and I discuss the sacred fertility foods, foods that we are certainly not getting enough of these days.

Learn more about Chris’s phenomenal course HERE! Everyone needs to take it!

Click HERE to listen to our show!