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#328 – The Stubborn Fat Fix.

Dr. Jade Teta

Guest: Dr. Jade Teta, ND

Dr. Jade Teta — co-author of Lose Weight Here — returns to the podcast to reveal how you can stop the metabolism-dirsupting effects of eating less and exercising more. Plus, find out how to target stubborn areas like lower body fat and arms in women and male belly fat.

Here are my notes!

2:47 – We’ve been going about it all wrong! Why the traditional “fat loss formula” doesn’t work in the long-term and how we should be doing it instead.

6:55 – Keep your HEC in check! The three most important ways to monitor your metabolism, and how to know when there might be more going on with your body than you think.

8:50 – Why just chasing the mechanism and pushing anything to the extreme probably won’t do a body good.

12:02 – How to balancing energy output to “starve the fat” and the more natural way you can create a calorie deficit.

17:20 – Pay attention! Dr. Teta reveals the “one and only rule of nutrition”.

21:19 – The 4 metabolic toggles that we are all constantly pulling on. Plus, how you can use them to create the metabolism and body you want.

32:48 – The Law of Metabolic Multi-Tasking: becoming a metabolic detective that works WITH your metabolism instead of against it.

39:35 – Why is stubborn fat so stubborn in the first place? And a few tricks to balance uneven fat loss.

44:25 – For the ladies: how to take advantage of your menstrual cycle or menopause to maximize fat loss.

49:13 – How do you know if you’re getting at stubborn fat? Hint: you still don’t need that scale.

51:56 – Dr. Teta’s best advice for jiggly arms and belly fat, plus a bonus tip on cravings, cocoa and brain chemistry!

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Can Social Anxiety Be Reversed with Nutrition?

Can Social Anxiety Be Reversed With

It was the most surreal (and frightening) experience of my life.

There I was, sitting on the weight room floor. Hyperventilating. Watching the floor swing from side to side. Lights suddenly blindingly bright. Scared.

I was having a panic attack.

It all began the previous afternoon. Feeling like my social anxiety had gotten out of hand, I showed up for my appointment at the campus clinic looking for help.

I rattled off my symptoms to the doctor — the sweats, tremors, racing heart, negative thoughts, all occurring in social encounters.

I had diagnosed myself with Social Anxiety Disorder. My doctor agreed.

He pulled a pad out of his pocket and wrote a prescription for Prozac.

“Prozac, really?”

For some reason, Prozac sounded a little extreme. I had done my research on its side effects and it was the last thing I thought the doc would recommend. I just wanted something to calm me down in social settings and to push me out of what had been a fairly prolonged episode of depression.

In fact, one of my favorite football players openly used another drug, Paxil, for his social anxiety. It seemed to be working for him. That’s what I wanted.

But the doctor insisted. Prozac it was.

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#323 – The Hormone Reset Diet

UW Radio #323

Guest: Dr. Sara Gottfried

Dr. Sara Gottfried, author of The Hormone Reset Diet, returned to the podcast to reveal how you can balance your hormones and heal your metabolism through diet and lifestyle changes.

Here are my notes:

3:01 – Cravings for Grandma’s chocolate chip cookie dough turned into disordered eating as a teen … and maybe set Dr. Sara up for adult hormone challenges.

8:25 – Are women expected to be everything to everyone all the time? How society’s expectations of women could be leading to addictive behaviors.

10:58 – Madonna helps Dr. Sara dump out her body image shame bucket and find clarity to make a change – and teach other women how to do it too.

13:57 – Why is alternative medicine the 2nd class citizen? The hierarchy of medicine and the reason there isn’t better nutrition science.

18:11 – How modern meat could be making your breasts and hips bigger than they should be … and what you can do to “poop out” some extra estrogen.

29:48 – The subtleties of coffee science: why the final answer on whether or not to drink it will always be “it depends.”

36:27 – The reason you might not be able to hear your body say “dude, put the fork down.”

40:32 – Dr. Sara’s favorite supplements ever for balancing hormones and blood sugar.

42:01 – What fat-free potato chips have to do with reducing your toxic load … and why you probably shouldn’t eat them anyways.

44:45 – More about The Hormone Reset Diet, who it’s for (not just women!) and why you need to be thinking about your cells AND your soul

47:38 – Get your free Hormone Reset Cookbook!

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Podcast #323:
The Hormone Reset Diet

UW Radio #323

Guest: Dr. Sara Gottfried

Dr. Sara Gottfried, author of The Hormone Reset Diet, returned to the podcast to reveal how you can balance your hormones and heal your metabolism through diet and lifestyle changes.

Here are my notes:

3:01 – Cravings for Grandma’s chocolate chip cookie dough turned into disordered eating as a teen … and maybe set Dr. Sara up for adult hormone challenges.

8:25 – Are women expected to be everything to everyone all the time? How society’s expectations of women could be leading to addictive behaviors.

10:58 – Madonna helps Dr. Sara dump out her body image shame bucket and find clarity to make a change – and teach other women how to do it too.

13:57 – Why is alternative medicine the 2nd class citizen? The hierarchy of medicine and the reason there isn’t better nutrition science.

18:11 – How modern meat could be making your breasts and hips bigger than they should be … and what you can do to “poop out” some extra estrogen.

29:48 – The subtleties of coffee science: why the final answer on whether or not to drink it will always be “it depends.”

36:27 – The reason you might not be able to hear your body say “dude, put the fork down.”

40:32 – Dr. Sara’s favorite supplements ever for balancing hormones and blood sugar.

42:01 – What fat-free potato chips have to do with reducing your toxic load … and why you probably shouldn’t eat them anyways.

44:45 – More about The Hormone Reset Diet, who it’s for (not just women!) and why you need to be thinking about your cells AND your soul

47:38 – Get your free Hormone Reset Cookbook!


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#321 – Are Real Foods Making You Sick?

Guest: Tom Malterre

Tom Malterre

Tom Malterre, author of The Elimination Diet, stops by to reveal how you can discover exactly which foods that are making you sick and tired.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

1:35 – Chef Lance drops by the show with a special bone broth announcement.

7:36 – What makes Tom a “research machine” and how research proves that our diseases are NOT a coincidence.

11:44 – What “normal” should really feel like and how the elimination diet became a “magic wand” for eliminating symptoms.

18:34 – Are you going to trust the lab or listen to your body? The intolerance/allergy scale, the limitations of testing, and the #1 way to discover your trigger foods.

24:43 – The usual suspects: what the most common allergens are up to once they’re in your body.

29:55 – The right place at the right time, or too much of a good thing? How unexpected allergens (like chocolate!) might be wearing down your body.

36:45 – The #1 most irritating thing to your intestinal tract .. and maybe your entire body.

44:28 – How environmental toxins can cause food sensitivities almost overnight!

48:09 – 3 major ways toxins contribute to your food sensitivities.

52:04 – Natural substitutes for the harmful chemicals behind the drastic rise of Type 2 Diabetes, obesity and other disease.
