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Top 5 Reasons Why Bone Broth is The Bomb.

by Sean Croxton

This stuff is awesome.

Never in my life did I imagine I’d be so head over heels about a soup made from bones.

I guess you can say I have quite the man crush on the rich, brown liquid that fills my coffee cup each morning.

It makes me feel warm inside, and puts a little pep in my step.

And oh my, is it tasty!

But my fondness for bone broth goes well beyond its taste and warmth. There’s a reason why it’s called the magic elixir — and it’s a darn shame that more people aren’t drinking it.

There was a time, not long ago, when bone broth was a part of just about every meal we consumed in this country, as it provided the base for soups, gravies, and stews. Unfortunately, with the disappearance of the local butcher as well as the invention of brain-cell-killing MSG — which gave processed foods an artificial meaty flavor — preparing broth became a lost art.

These days, very few of us even know what it is, or why we should be consuming it.

So today I thought I’d share with you my own personal Top 5 Reasons Why Bone Broth is The Bomb. Here we go!

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Podcast #343: Kale and Coffee.

Guest: Kevin Gianni I used to be so neurotic… If that perfectly healthy vegetable wasn’t on my Metabolic Typing food list, I wouldn’t eat it. It would shift me “out of balance”. If I forgot to bring my water bottle to the gym, I would much rather die of thirst than take a sip from Read More

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Podcast #345: There is No Plan B.

Guest: Josh Trent All good things must come to an end, they say. If you’ve been a long-time follower of Underground Wellness you may recall my old sidekick, Josh Trent. Josh and I had some classic moments on the YouTube channel, where we uploaded some of the most outrageous and hilarious fitness videos ever. Like Read More

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Podcast #343: Kale and Coffee.

Kevin Gianni Podcast

Guest: Kevin Gianni

I used to be so neurotic…

If that perfectly healthy vegetable wasn’t on my Metabolic Typing food list, I wouldn’t eat it. It would shift me “out of balance”.

If I forgot to bring my water bottle to the gym, I would much rather die of thirst than take a sip from the fountain. That chlorine would kill me … instantly.

If the hotel room didn’t have blackout curtains, there’s no way I could sleep.

But let’s just ignore the fact that I slept like a baby before some blogger told me that even the teeny, tiniest light exposure would “suppress my melatonin”.

I’m not saying that the Metabolic Typing Diet, avoiding trace exposures to chlorine, and keeping pitch black sleeping quarters are all ridiculously pointless ideas. Not at all.

What I am saying is that my own relentless efforts to implement every single “healthy lifestyle tip” I ever heard or read about sent me off the deep end. Totally overboard.

It wasn’t just me.

My friend Kevin Gianni, once a hugely popular raw vegan YouTuber, was suffering from a similar neurosis. Perceived to be the model of perfect health to tens of thousands of viewers, Kevin’s life behind-the-scenes was something different altogether.

He was irritable. Obsessed over his next meal. Chronically fatigued. And just no fun to be around.

As it turns out, Kevin’s supposed healthy obsession was making him ill. His tenacious pursuit to unearth the complexities of utopian health ultimately brought him back to one place…


On today’s episode of Underground Wellness Radio, Kevin and I discuss his journey from raw food “renegade” to the more reasonable, realistic husband and father of two he is today.

I actually uploaded this episode last Friday and many of my iTunes subscribers have called it their favorite episode EVER. You’ll dig it.

Click the PLAY button above to listen to the entire episode.

If you want automatic downloads on the day I post new episodes, subscribe on iTunes!

And don’t forget to pick up Kevin’s book Kale and Coffee. It’s on my list of Top Books of 2015.



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#336 – The Gluten Lie

Alan Levinovitz

Alan Levinovitz stops by the podcast to discuss his controversial book The Gluten Lie and Other Myths About What You Eat.

Here are my notes!

3:25 – Why a philosopher and religion professor wrote a nutrition book and how food and religion have more in common than you might think!

8:15 – Are modern times really so bad? The myth of paradise past and how food technologies might be helping us more than they hurt.

11:15 – What paleo is, what it isn’t, and why “eat in moderation” doesn’t work.

12:50 – Where is the science? Why it’s so hard to get clear evidence on food and nutrition and whether or not we’ll ever have any answers.

19:25 – Science vs. sensationalism: mis-reporting in the media and what the scientists really have to say about their nutrition studies.

24:48 – Is it really just the gluten? The real reasons people might feel better off gluten and how to figure out if it will make you feel better, too.

28:44 – All about the nocebo effect and how your mind might be a bigger problem than the gluten.

33:15 – When “too healthy” becomes unhealthy and why we sometimes stick with something that doesn’t really work for us anymore.

38:05 – The problem with getting ahead of the scientific evidence. Plus, why the truth about food and nutrition probably isn’t as exciting as some people would lead us to believe.

45:35 – Does morally good = physically good? Why we associate feeling good with being “bad.”

50:30 – The money and marketing behind nutrition: figuring out who really has your best interest at heart and why being an equal opportunity skeptic might be good for your health.

56:19 – Are we addicted to health? What holistic health really is, How Alan finds balance in his own life, and what he’s up to next!

Click the PLAY button above to listen to the entire episode.

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