Category Archives: podcast

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Podcast #322:
Alzheimer’s, Type 3 Diabetes, and Cadbury Eggs.

Dr. Brian Mowll

Guest: Dr. Brian Mowll

Easter Sunday is just around the corner.

It’s the time of year when supermarkets strategically line their checkout counters with chocolate covered bunnies, marshmallow peeps, and of course my all-time childhood favorite…

Cadbury creme eggs.

A delicious holiday blend of milk chocolate, vegetable fat, emulsifiers, sugar, glucose syrup, invert sugar syrup, and other weird stuff that surely sent my blood sugar on a wild ride.

And that’s why it struck me as odd that while reading Michele Simon’s book Appetite for Profit I learned that Cadbury Schweppes — maker of the creme eggs and other sugar bombs at the time of the author’s writing — was a strong financial supporter of the American Diabetes Association (ADA).

Say what?!

Posted by in podcast, wellness

Podcast #321:
Can Real Foods Make You Sick?

Tom Malterre

Guest: Tom Malterre

It just won’t go away.

No matter what you try or which doctor you see, you can’t seem to get rid of it.

The headaches. The embarrassing skin breakouts. The foggy brain. The extra weight. The back pain. Or the mucus perpetually lurking in the back of your throat.

In my case, it was the latter. As you may know by now, for years I thought I would be forever plagued by a bad case of the annoying clear-my-throat-every-two-minutes disease.

Eventually I figured it out, removed eggs from my diet, and … poof! Gone.

Glad that’s over.

The only remaining health nuisance was an intermittent pain in my side that was often accompanied by terrible indigestion and a loss of all bass in my voice. Weird, I know.

Then last year I put two and two together and got DAIRY.

Posted by in podcast, wellness

Podcast #320:
Vaccines, HPV, and $7 Million Bucks.

Vaccines, HPV, and $7 Million Bucks-3

Guest: Jeff Hays

I’m an opinionated kind of guy.

I’ll tell you how it is and won’t hold anything back.

BUT of all the email and tweets I receive, there’s one topic I won’t touch…


Ask me about vaccines and you’re likely to get a “no comment” or an “I don’t know.”

Because really, I don’t know.

For example, I have no idea whether or not vaccines cause autism. I haven’t seen the scientific proof.

And in the litigious society we live in these days, the last thing I need is a lawsuit because someone’s child got a bad case of measles (because of my anti-vaccination stance) or was diagnosed as autistic (because I was pro-vaccines).

Nope, not going near it.

Posted by in podcast, wellness

Podcast #319:
Superbugs, Missing Microbes, and Antibiotic Resistance.

Dr. Martin Blaser

Guest: Dr. Martin Blaser

Today’s interview could not be more timely.

This week, an antibiotic-resistant “nightmare bacteria” was connected to two patient deaths at a UCLA Medical Center.

As reported by CNN, the bacteria known as CRE proves fatal for half of those infected. At last count, 179 patients may have been exposed to the contaminated endoscopes said to be the source of the UCLA outbreak. So far, seven infections have been reported.

Unfortunately, antibiotic-resistant bacteria are become increasingly common. According to today’s podcast guest Dr. Martin Blaser, author of Missing Microbes, the overuse of antibiotics is largely to blame.

Posted by in podcast, wellness

Podcast #318:
The Food Babe Scam?

Vani Hari

Guest: Vani Hari, The Food Babe

Last Tuesday I woke up to an unfortunate email.

It was from my friend Vani Hari. You may know her as The Food Babe.

Reading what she wrote, I could feel her frustration.

On the morning of the release of her new book The Food Babe Way, a project she had spent the past year pouring her heart into, she was met with dozens of 1-star Amazon reviews bashing her book … and her mission.

In her email, Vani was asking those of us who had received advanced copies of her book to post our reviews in order to counter the disparaging comments posted so far that morning. But only if we had actually read the book, of course.

I’ll be honest, I’m not a fan of Amazon reviews.