Posted by in fit

The 2-Minute (actually 5-Minute) Pilates Challenge!

Yo! What’s up, y’all!

Busy, busy day! I’m going to have to figure out a way to incorporate writing my e-book into my schedule. Been a little flustered the last two days trying to squeeze everything in.

I’ll figure it out!!

There may be a little less writing going on here for the next 3-4 weeks, but I’ll certainly be uploading videos for your viewing pleasure.

Today, Allyson the Assistant and I headed over to Fitness Quest 10 and shot some great Inspire Millions videos. We covered yoga, motivation, stretching, low back pain, and core. Today’s installment is a Pilates challenge that you can definitely do just about anywhere.

Yeah, it was supposed to be 2 minutes, but an extra 3 minutes will only make you stronger!

Check out the video below. Stephanie had my arms shaking and abs burning!

Don’t forget to LIKE our Facebook pages at:

Once this blog gets 100 LIKEs or Facebook shares, I’ll post another challenge!

I’m going to spend some more time reading The Organic Manifesto tonight and possibly blog about it tomorrow. I figure if I’m going to teach you about Real Food, I should start by learning about Real Soil!

See you next time!!


Posted by in wellness

What Does Raw Food Really Mean?

Sorry, peeps!

I’m off to a late start today. If you’ve ever spent a weekend in Las Vegas, you know Monday can be rough!

I didn’t have a chance to write today, but I do have a pretty awesome video to share. It’s a clip from last Thursday’s UW Radio show with Yuri Elkaim, author of Eating for Energy.

Yuri and I talked about all kinds of stuff! I especially liked our segment about a few of his Top 12 Superfoods, which included:

* Spirulina – a non-animal source of complete protein
* Avocado – known as the “testicle tree” in ancient Aztec dialect
* Olives – they have an aphrodisiac effect
* Parsley – it was a medicine before it was a food!
* Cacao – it literally means “the food of the gods”

In this clip, we talk about what exactly it means to be a raw food as well as the importance of consuming foods that still have their enzymes intact.

Nature is so cool! It actually provides us with food in its own health-providing package.

LISTEN to the entire show HERE!

ORDER Yuri’s outstanding e-book Eating for Energy HERE! It’s UW-Certified!!

See you tomorrow! I’m reading Maria Rodale’s Organic Manifesto. Looking forward to sharing it with you!

I’m out!


Posted by in fit

FFD Workout: Hardcore Park-Core!

by Sean Croxton & Jenn Culver

I will never look at a swing set the same way again!!!

Jenn Culver of TravelFit Personal Training stops by to put you and me through an amazingly creative core workout.

You must try this one! It actually made me a bit sore. And I never get sore!

Here’s what we did:

* Pikes – 10 reps
* Alternating knee tucks – 12 total reps
* Alternating arm plank with rotation – 10 total (I punked out!)
* Hamstring curls – 10 reps
* Swing-outs – 15 reps

Rinse and repeat for 2-3 circuits!

Enjoy the weekend. I’m on my way to Vegas!

What happens in Vegas…

Sean Croxton
Author, The Dark Side of Fat Loss

Posted by in mind

Why I Go to Hypnotherapy.

by Sean Croxton

What’s holding you back?

All of us have that one thing that we set our sights on, yet its realization remains elusive no matter how hard we try.

Maybe you want to lose twenty pounds.

Maybe you want to save for that house.

Maybe you want to leave your stressful job and do something you’re actually passionate about.

For something that you claim to want more than anything else, it’s amazing how quickly you find yourself wandering off the path to its accomplishment.

You’ll start on Monday, right?

Or you’ll do it “someday”.

The last time I checked, someday wasn’t a day on the calendar.

There’s something standing between you and your life, the life that you deserve.

The question is: What the heck is it?

I had wrestled with this very question for years. However, at first it had more to do with others than me. I wondered how in the world could someone spend hundreds of dollars a week for personal training only to leave the gym and return to a life of sugar and alcohol binges.

How could a client pay top dollar for my coaching, run expensive lab tests, and set goals with such earnest enthusiasm only to commit unremitting acts of self-sabotage?

To say one thing and DO nothing.

My friend Blue has an awesome definition for integrity. Integrity is the diligence to do the deed after the emotion of the moment has passed. It’s doing what you said you’d do when no one is looking.

That’s deep.

Emotion can be a flight risk, walking out without a moment’s notice.

Here today. Gone tomorrow.

It’s how we execute our action plans absent of emotion that sets the achievers apart from the dreamers.

This past year has been quite a journey. A lot of reflection and introspection has taken place. As I took a hard look at myself, I began to see a lot of what drove me up the wall with my clients resided within me.

Lofty goals without action.

Recurring self-sabotage.

Like they say, the things that bother you most about others have more to do with you than them.

Of all people I should be the last to judge another for not following through on their intentions. I can relate.

I’ll be honest. I have three unfinished e-books right here on my laptop. One is three-quarters done. The others are maybe 30-40 pages away from completion. I start. I stop. I start. I stop…

The closer I get to completion, the distance to the finish line moves further and further away. It’s weird. I’m like that weight loss client who drops five pounds, starts looking and feeling better, and then goes back to his or her old habits. But not by choice. I don’t think anyone actually decides to sabotage themselves. It happens unconsciously.

Realizing my shortcomings, I spent many days at seminars sitting on a rock hard chair for hours on end learning about my stories, rackets, strong suits, and act. You may know what I’m talking about. Maybe not. All I’ll say is that it’s not a cult. It’s actually a very effective method for moving beyond your own bullshit (pardon my french), getting complete with the past, and understanding that you are in control of the possibility that is your life.

Posted by in kitchen, wellness

JERF: Just Eat Real Food!

by Sean Croxton

Oh, this felt so good!

I haven’t done a YouTube rant in a long time.

Today, I did my video rendition of last month’s This is Silly blog. Did it all in one take!

I’m sure a handful of health bloggers will be a bit offended. But, everything is a matter of perception anyway.

I just want the common person out there who is curious about health to be able to find real answers about nutrition without having to deal with all the B.S. and grandstanding that has become so prevalent in our field.

And NO, there is nothing wrong with changing our minds about things. But I can only imagine how frustrating it is for people to hear one thing today and something completely different from the same person tomorrow.

Let’s keep it simple.

Let’s Just Eat Real Food!

Join the NEW Just Eat Real Food Facebook fan page. Post your Real Food meals, recipes, and pics!
