Author Archives: UW Sean

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Podcast #327:
Ex-Pharma Sales Rep Tells All.

UW Radio #327

Guest: Gerald Roliz, CNC

He had an unlimited expense account.

Or as his manager would say, “Spend until I tell you to stop.”

He drove a company car — gas and insurance paid for. Dined at the finest restaurants. Made his own work schedule. And maybe saw his manager once a month.

He earned a “comfortable” income. By society standards, he was free.

But Gerald Roliz was a drug dealer. Not the illicit kind that will land you behind bars, but selective serotonin repute inhibitors (SSRIs) and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs).

In his words, he “bought out” doctors, using fear, pressure, spin selling, and pricey dinners to win their prescriptions. Prescriptions for the drugs he sold. Prescribed to real people, many of whom would learn to live with their side effects.

Posted by in mind, podcast

Podcast #326:
8 Strategies for Creating Habits that Stick.

Gretchen Rubin

Guest: Gretchen Rubin

I assume you read this blog and listen to our weekly podcast episodes because you’re maybe looking to change something about yourself.

Maybe you’re looking to lose a few pounds, or improve your digestion, or heal your thyroid, or learn how to JERF.

Whichever it may be, creating change in your life requires two important things. First, you need to decide. To CHOOSE to make the change. And second, you MUST change your habits.

Because the cultivation of new habits is the fuel for being better than before.

I’m sure you’ve tried this approach before. You read that book … or that magazine … or that blog post about transforming your life through building new habits. But nothing ever stuck.

Before you knew it, your “new habits” slipped back into your old ways. Again and again.

But here’s what no one ever told you…

Posted by in mind, wellness

Can Social Anxiety Be Reversed with Nutrition?

Can Social Anxiety Be Reversed With

It was the most surreal (and frightening) experience of my life.

There I was, sitting on the weight room floor. Hyperventilating. Watching the floor swing from side to side. Lights suddenly blindingly bright. Scared.

I was having a panic attack.

It all began the previous afternoon. Feeling like my social anxiety had gotten out of hand, I showed up for my appointment at the campus clinic looking for help.

I rattled off my symptoms to the doctor — the sweats, tremors, racing heart, negative thoughts, all occurring in social encounters.

I had diagnosed myself with Social Anxiety Disorder. My doctor agreed.

He pulled a pad out of his pocket and wrote a prescription for Prozac.

“Prozac, really?”

For some reason, Prozac sounded a little extreme. I had done my research on its side effects and it was the last thing I thought the doc would recommend. I just wanted something to calm me down in social settings and to push me out of what had been a fairly prolonged episode of depression.

In fact, one of my favorite football players openly used another drug, Paxil, for his social anxiety. It seemed to be working for him. That’s what I wanted.

But the doctor insisted. Prozac it was.

Posted by in podcast, wellness

Podcast #325:
Natural Tips for Beating Brain Fog!

UW RADIO #325-2

Guest: Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, CS

This week on the podcast, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo — founder of the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology — shares her best tips for beating brain fog.

Here are my notes:

4:56 – How Dr. Ritamarie turned her health around after living life in the fast lane and being prescribed medications for conditions she didn’t even have!

16:55 – Brain fog: Is it normal or just common? What the difference is and how to know if you have a problem.

19:03 – Fat is your friend: what you brain really needs for nourishment and the best places can get it.

23:46 – Too much stress? How it could be affecting you memory and what you can use to ease stress-induced damage and keep your brain cells firing fast enough.

29:21 – Keeping your brain (and blood sugar levels!) healthy. JERF!

33:33 – How vegans can get the nutrients they need and why you might need to supplement … no matter what you’re eating.

35:20 – The Cortisol Connection: how your thyroid and adrenals might be affecting your brain.

38:20 – Brain fog after breakfast? Why it’s happening and what you should be eating to avoid a mid-day crash.

40:33 – How to lift your brain fog with one breath in one minute!

44:26 – Even MORE reasons to get off the gluten.

46:48 – The brain fog tips roundup and the best place to start to clear up your brain fog.

See you in a couple days with bestselling author, Gretchen Rubin!


Posted by in podcast, wellness

Podcast #324:
The Obesity Paradox: Does Thinner Mean Sicker?

chip lavie

Guest: Dr. Chip Lavie, M.D.

Imagine two guys standing side by side…

Person A (we’ll call him Norm) is categorized as “normal weight” on the Body Mass Index (BMI) scale. He’s perfectly content with his weight, eats fairly well, and seldom makes time for exercise since his weight appears to be ideal.

Person B (we’ll call him Obi) has a BMI of 34, considered “mildly obese”. He also eats well, but manages to squeeze in at least 30 minutes of exercise 4-5 days each week.

Who lives longer?

Well, according to the latest research, Obi the Mildly Obese Man has a lower mortality rate than Normal Weight Norm.


I know, it sounds completely backwards. But science has recently uncovered an “Obesity Paradox”, revealing the protective nature of body fat.

For example, did you know that…