Tag Archives: fitness videos

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FFD Workout: Backpackin’ It!

by Sean Croxton & Jenn Culver

Happy Friday Fun Day, Y’all!

A few weeks ago, our friend Jenn Culver of My Travel Fit and I shot this super-creative backpack workout.

All you need is a backpack and those old college textbooks the bookstore wouldn’t buy back at the end of the summer. You know, the ones you thought you’d hold onto for “reference”.

Everyone can do this one!

Here’s what we did:

1. Front squats
2. Push Ups
3. Single-Arm Row (try single-legged!)
4. Waiter – Alternating Lunges

Do 10-15 reps of each movement (or whatever works for you). You can do them back-to-back or you can take 30 to 90 secs in between movements.

Do them as a circuit. Get through it about 3 or 4 times. Then finish yourself off with a few sprints. Be sure to get full recovery between sprints.

If you’re at home and have no room to sprint, do high-knees in place or quick-paced jumping jacks for 15 to 20 seconds.

Get that heart rate up!!

It’s good for you.

I’m headed to the IDEA World fitness convention today. Gonna get worked out by the best of the best.

Keep your eyes peeled. I just might have to upload some more Friday Fun-ness to YouTube today LIVE from Los Angeles.

Happy Weekend!

Sean Croxton
Author, The Dark Side of Fat Loss

Posted by in fit

FFD Workout: The Pilates Core Challenge!

by Sean Croxton, Brett Klika, and Chris Jarrell

Yo! Happy Friday to ya!

This week flew by! Can’t believe it’s Friday already.

Today’s workout is a burner.

Chris Jarrell, Pilates instructor at Fitness Quest 10, got medieval on us with this one. Get on the floor and try it out.

I like the slow, controlled approach that Pilates has when training the core. It really makes you feel the abdominals working.

Be sure to play close attention the cues. When performed properly, you get a lot more bang for your buck than typical abs training.

Check it out!

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Enjoy your weekend!
