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The Podcast About GMOs, Detox, Skin Health, and Stuff…

This one got off to a wee bit of a rough start.

I was wondering why the heck I was hearing myself echo. Ended up having another tab open with the live show playing on delay in my headphones. Whoops! My bad.

Good thing I figured that one out pretty quick…

Anyway, we got the show started with an incredibly informative 5-minute briefing from Sherri Fogarty on the current genetically modified (GM) food labeling initiative going on here in California, as well as a few other states. Sherri has been on a mission for the past several months, working her tail off to get GM labeling on the ballot. She also fills us in on how the evil Monsanto is threatening to sue the State of Vermont if the State pursues a labeling law. That’s crazy stuff!

Learn more about the GM ballot initiative HERE.

Next up, my main man Reed Davis, founder of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, drops some truth bombs, including: