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Retro – Digestive Wellness

Liz Lipski

Dr. Liz Lipski, author of Digestive Wellness and Digestive Wellness for Children, stops by to discuss the many things that can go wrong with our digestive systems – and how to fix them!

Here’s what we talked about:

10:05 What Dr. Lipski does all day and how she got so interested in digestion even though she didn’t mean to!

13:52 The role of the standard American diet in our digestive troubles and the one concept that’s really missing from the food pyramid.

18:58 What to look for—and what to do—when your kids tell you their tummy hurts.

21:15 Are germs good for us? All about the Hygiene Hypothesis and how our obsession with going germ-free could be affecting our health.

24:51 Why you should drop that yellow M&M and definitely not give any to your kids.

27:21 The very best way to clear out your colon. Plus, who does and does not need colonics.

32:15 How to wean off herbal laxatives and the questions to ask yourself to get to the bottom of why you needed them in the first place.

37:05 What to look for in stool testing results, and what we can do if our gut bacteria aren’t doing what they’re supposed to do (or are missing completely)!

44:39 The constipation/cancer connection: why it’s time to embrace the fact that everybody poops.

48:55 Is it too much stomach acid or not enough? How to test the “strength” of your stomach and why it’s so important for your health.

56:31 All about digestion and autoimmune disease, and exactly what you should eliminate from your diet to feel better.

1:02:50 What your mood and your mind have to do with your gut, and what you can do to for a healthier and happier digestive system.

1:10:45 The power of probiotics, the microbiome, and the many messages we send our bodies all the time.

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Podcast #346:
NeuroTribes – The Historical Truth About Autism and Asperger’s.

Steve Silberman

Guest: Steve Silberman

I used to think that vaccines caused autism…

To me, it was a slam dunk. Vaccines and their noxious ingredients were the obvious culprits, and no one could ever convince me otherwise..

But as time went on, I became less convinced. I guess you can say that I was “on the fence” about it, not completely certain yet still concerned about the impact of the expanded vaccine schedule on the health of our children.

Yet after spending the past couple weeks intensely studying the historical timeline of autism and Asperger’s, I can no longer sit on that fence.

I can say with the utmost certainty that vaccines are not even remotely responsible for the dramatic rise in autism diagnoses over the past few decades.

ADDENDUM: This is not to say that vaccines are not a contributing factor. As you will learn in today’s interview, there are 4 very significant reasons that the numbers spiked. These include a change to a much broader diagnostic criteria for autism in the DSM-IV, increased awareness via the movie Rain Man, the availability of reliable diagnostic testing, improved access to psychiatric services, and a very critical typo in the DSM-IV that went unaddressed for half a decade. These factors have largely been overlooked and are the focus of today’s episode. The intention of the broadened criteria was to cause a spike in diagnoses so that those diagnosed could receive the services they needed and were not getting without a diagnosis. It was intentional. The rise in numbers was not due to vaccines alone. This is what the podcast is about.

Yeah, I should probably know better than to make such a bold statement. I mean, we all know what happened after my Gluten Lie episode…

But that’s how I really feel. Or as one of my Facebookers posted recently, “My opinion changes with new information.”

While vaccine injuries do in fact happen, and while I do think that vaccines contain potentially hazardous ingredients, I do not believe that vaccines are the driving force behind the relatively recent spike in autism incidence.

Honestly, I feel like anyone who has ever studied the history of the condition — what went on before Raymond Babbitt’s cross-country road trip or Dr. Wakefield’s sketchy study — will very likely agree with me.

Unfortunately, this history had been long forgotten and replaced by the prevailing myth that autism is a contemporary epidemic rooted in our modern ways — processed foods, toxins, nutrient deficiencies, and immunizations.

There’s nothing modern about autism. Those children (and adults) were always there. It’s just that no one knew what to call them or what to do with them.

But they were there.

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#346 – NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity

Steve Silberman

This week, journalist Steve Silberman, author of NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity, sets the record straight about the recent “explosion” of autism diagnoses. Here’s what we talked about:

5:24 How a boat full of computer geeks sparked Steve’s interest in autism, and how he found discovered there was a much bigger story than he had originally thought.

17:42 The biggest urban legend about autism.

20:36 The man who studied children with autistic traits before it even had a name, and the major world event that completely changed the timeline of autism.

25:23 Efforts to improve the human race affects potentially autistic children and adults and led to one of the darkest chapters in our history.

29:59 Some of Hans Asperger’s insightful findings about the patients he was studying, and why there is a common misconception that they were all “high-functioning.”

35:10 The “discovery” of autism in America by Leo Kanner and why it was so very different from Hans Asperger’s findings.

41:57 How the definition of autism may have created an “epidemic” of childhood schizophrenia in the 50s and 60s that foreshadowed the autism epidemic of today.

44:15 Toxic parenting and “refrigerator mothers” take on the blame and shame for autism for years while some fame-hungry doctors promise to find a cure for their kids.

51:19 How two loving parents of an autistic child led to a new movement and new support for the parents of autistic kids.

1:01:15 Why it was so hard to get a diagnosis, and why a recent increase in diagnosis numbers is actually a good thing.

1:09:31 The study responsible for the vaccine/autism connection and why it was eventually debunked as “fraud.”

1:16:55 The little mistake that made a huge difference in the number of children being diagnosed and other contributing factors to the perfect storm for the spike in autism.

1:26:34 Influential autistic adults that are leading the way to a different way of thinking about people with disabilities of all kinds.

Click the PLAY button above to listen to the entire episode.

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