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Podcast #340:
Dr. Tom O’Bryan Responds to The Gluten Lie.

Dr. Tom O'Bryan

Guest: Dr. Tom O’Bryan

This one is by popular demand.

A few weeks ago, my podcast interview with Alan Levinovitz, author of The Gluten Lie, caused quite a stir.

If you missed it, here’s the link.

Due to a few controversial statements made during the show, my inbox nearly blew up with requests for a rebuttal episode with Dr. Tom O’Bryan, host of The Gluten Summit.

Dr. Tom was more than happy to give his take on The Gluten Lie. In fact, he was FIRED UP!

Hear EVERYTHING he had to say in today’s episode of Underground Wellness Radio.

Click the PLAY button at the top of this post to listen to the entire episode.

By the way, if you’re a health practitioner, you’ll learn about next Tuesday’s FREE “Autoimmune Intervention” webinar with Dr. Tom and me.

Episode #340 is brought to you by our brand new sponsor, Thrive Market.

I’ve been looking for a show sponsor for almost 7 years and could never find a good fit. Watering down the show with unnecessary ads just to make a buck was never my thing.

And that’s why I’m happy I could gain a sponsorship from a business that I actually use. Thrive is like the Costco for real food and non-toxic products. It’s 100% online and lets you save up to 50% off what you pay at the retail stores.

I don’t know about you, but saving money on food is pretty much awesome. 🙂

Listen to today’s episode and find out how you can win a $1000 shopping spree and/or a free membership from Thrive.

Happy Friday!


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#340 – Dr. O’Bryan Responds to The Gluten Lie.

Dr. Tom O'Bryan

Gluten expert Dr. Tom O’Bryan returns to the podcast to respond to recent skepticism regarding gluten sensitivity and gluten-free diets.

This one is by popular demand. A few weeks ago, my podcast interview with Alan Levinovitz, author of The Gluten Lie, caused quite a stir.

Due to a few controversial statements made during Alan’s show, my inbox nearly blew up with requests for a rebuttal episode with Dr. Tom O’Bryan, host of The Gluten Summit.

Dr. Tom was more than happy to give his take on The Gluten Lie. In fact, he was FIRED UP!

Here are my notes:

4:13 – Do YOU need to avoid gluten? Dr. O’Bryan tells us exactly who should avoid gluten and why.

9:21 – The one test that you should take to test for gluten sensitivity, and why the other tests might not give you the results you need.

16:15 – Are ancient grains really better for you? An interesting study tells us what all gluten is doing to all humans.

17:59 – Is gluten-free just a fad? The reasons why Dr. O’Bryan thinks gluten-free is here to stay.

24:33 – What we know about what gluten does to the body, why we don’t always know what’s going on, and why we still have a lot more to learn.

33:54 – The one thing guaranteed to damage your gut, a few other culprits to watch out for and why positive results of going gluten-free are probably NOT from the gluten.

39:27 – What Dr. O’Bryan thinks is really behind the nocebo effect. Plus, his beef with sensationalism and bunk studies.

47:30 – Weighing the benefits of wheat: why indigestible fiber doesn’t do damage like gluten does.

49:47 – The European wheat myth that could be harming you – even if you don’t feel it!

52:57 – Why you can’t avoid gluten 100%, what you can do to protect yourself from gluten contamination, and why it’s so important.

Click the PLAY button above to listen to the entire episode.

Want the Written Version? Join The Transcribe Tribe for FREE transcripts!

Posted by in wellness

My Favorite Interview Ever.

by Sean Croxton

A few days ago, I got a text from my friend Evelyne. She was wondering if it had occurred to me that last week was the 5-year anniversary of Underground Wellness Radio.

Honestly, I had no idea.

It’s hard to believe that it’s been half a decade since I first went on the air. A LOT has happened since then, including over 300 radio, summit, and on-camera interviews. Crazy how time flies!

Every so often, I am asked which of those 300-plus discussions is my favorite.

I always feel as if that’s like asking me which one of my four nieces do I love the most…

But after last Sunday morning, I now have an honest answer for that question.

No offense to any of my fantastic guests, but my recent on-camera Gluten Summit wrap-up interview with Dr. Tom O’Bryan is now hands-down the BEST one ever.

Hands down!

If more people had this guy’s passion, the world would be a much better place.

Check it out below.

The Gluten Summit is still LIVE at Sign up to attend!

