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Podcast #337:
Hacking Your Heart Health


Guest: Joel Kahn, M.D.

So … I’ve been sitting here for an hour trying to write this post in a way that doesn’t scare people.

I mean, after the mass hysteria over last week’s Gluten Lie email/post/podcast, I realize that words can be grossly misinterpreted despite my very best efforts to be perfectly clear.

Thus my hesitation to remind you of the startling statistics about heart disease, this week’s topic of discussion with heart attack prevention specialist Dr. Joel Kahn.

Here goes…

According to Dr. Kahn, standard medical tests simply aren’t enough when it comes to detecting heart disease and predicting heart attack risk.

In fact, using standard risk factors like cholesterol and blood pressure, at least 25% of people with heart artery disease are completely missed.

What’s more, while pushing for preventive tests like colonoscopies and mammograms, doctors are running electrocardiograms in less than 10% of medical exams!


Exercise stress tests are nowhere near as accurate as we think. Nuclear stress tests have “great inaccuracies” and way too many false positives. Not to mention, the radiation exposure.

Clearly, it’s far from a perfect system.

Despite it being the leading cause of death, medicine is completely missing the boat when it comes to detection and prevention of heart disease.

Let’s face it, tens of thousands of people are walking out of their doctor’s offices with a pat on the back for being “heart disease free” when they’re really not.

And that’s the scary part.

On today’s podcast, Dr. Kahn and I hope to give you some peace of mind when it comes to your heart health, as the doc reveals two little-known tests that can predict your heart attack risk with precision.

You’ll also learn 5 early (and overlooked) signs of heart disease, 3 heart-friendly lab markers to DEMAND from your doctor, and diet and lifestyle tips from the heart doc himself.

Today’s episode is truly a life saver.

Click the PLAY button above listen to the entire episode.

And don’t forget to pick up Dr. Kahn’s book, Dead Execs Don’t Get Bonuses. I loved it!

Enjoy today’s episode,




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