Tag Archives: uw radio

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The Podcast about Poop, Parasites, & Digestive Problems! (#214)

digestive-health-232x300by Sean Croxton

There’s just something about poop.

I know it’s kinda weird, but I really like talking about it. It’s my idea of a good time.

So you can probably imagine how pumped I was to have Aglaée Jacob, author of Digestive Health with Real Food, on the radio show last week.

We covered a buttload (hehe!) of topics in just under an hour.

Check em out below, and be sure to click the audio player at the end of this post to LISTEN to the show.

4:10 – How a registered dietitian went rogue and embraced real food
5:11 – How to know if you’re digestion is not working properly
6:17 – Lessons from your poop
8:50 – What an IBS diagnosis means
10:25 – Common causes of digestive problems
11:00 – How to identify and deal with food sensitivities
13:58 – Parasitic infections: prevalence, transmission, & testing
15:57 – Low stomach acid and H. Pylori infections
18:47 – Can parasites be transmitted from person-to-person?
19:44 – The scoop on small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
22:07 – Can SIBO be detected via stool testing?
24:41 – There is no one-size-fits-all parasite protocol
26:50 – What to do if you have SIBO?
29:12 – The FODMAPs diet, IBS, and SIBO
30:50 – Foods to remove on an elimination diet
32:49 – Super foods that speed up gut healing
36:42 – Does milk kefir heal the gut?
39:15 – How to get the gut back on track after slipping on your diet
40:47 – Apple cider vinegar as a way to boost stomach acid
43:37 – The best supplements for digestive health
50:11 – The most overlooked factors preventing gut healing
51:04 – Email questions!
55:15 – The efficacy of supplementing with L-glutamine for gut healing
56:08 – Info on Aglaée’s upcoming book

Click the player below to catch this episode!

Listen to internet radio with Underground Wellness on Blog Talk Radio

By the way, if you missed the previous 213 episodes of UW Radio, you can find them on our Podcasts page or on iTunes. 🙂

Author, The Dark Side of Fat Loss
Dark Side of Fat Loss

Posted by in mind, podcast, wellness

The Podcast About Food Addiction, Your Brain, and Other Stuff…

by Sean Croxton

Food addiction is the real deal.

To speak of a dependency on sugar in the same breath as cocaine and alcohol addiction seems a bit odd, but biologically they cannot be more similar.

The brain needs a fix.

The neurochemicals that are over-amplified and imbalanced by street drugs and booze are the very same ones that are triggered by sweets and other processed foods.

Some experts and addicts even say that food addiction can be harder to kick than a bad cocaine habit. Scoring some coke requires a dealer. Cookies, donuts, and bread are literally everywhere.

On this week’s episode of UW Radio, Dr. Vera Tarman, M.D. showed us just how real food addiction really is.

There’s a reason why so many of us just can’t so no to sugar, why we can’t stick to our diets no matter how hard we try, and why a great proportion of the 60,000 thoughts we have every day have to do with food.

There’s a good chance that these behaviors are all in your head.

Your brain, that is.

It’s been hijacked.

As I prepared for my broadcast with Dr. Tarman, I became familiar with a simplified version of how this hijacking takes place. Check it out…

Posted by in podcast, wellness

The Podcast about Fat Loss, Ducks, and Magic…

by Sean Croxton

Shut the duck up.

You know, that duck in your head that quacks pretty much all day long, telling you how much you suck and just how worthless you are.

We’re all ducked. Some of us have ducks that are louder than others, going out of their way to really duck with us.

The duck is part of the human machinery. You can’t dodge it. You can’t duck it. But you can turn the ducking volume down on it.

I should know. My duck used to quack at full blast. From the moment I woke up until I fell asleep, those negative, self-defeating thoughts raced through my mind. In fact, sleep seemed to be my only reprieve for the quacking. That is, when my duck wasn’t keeping me up all hours of the night.

Posted by in podcast, wellness

The Podcast about Autism, the Brain, and Infant Formula…

by Sean Croxton

I couldn’t imagine having a child with autism.

Just the thought of it gives me a bit of anxiety — the unpredictable behavior, the tantrums, the head-banging.

If I had it my way, I’d have two kids — a boy and a girl. But knowing that — according to the latest figures — one in 54 boys is affected by autism, kinda scares the bejesus out of me.

It should scare the heck out of you, too. Because even if autism does not impact you directly right now, you’re not human if the statistics don’t make you wonder what the heck is going on here. Statistics like…

* One in 88 children are diagnosed with autism by age 8.

* The rate of autism increased 23% between the years 2006 and 2008. (I wonder what the 2012 numbers are!)

* Autism has increased 1000% in the past 40 years.

To give you more understanding as to the magnitude of this issue, the rate of obesity has increased 300% in the past 30 years. Again, autism is up 1000% in the past 40.

We have an epidemic on our hands, folks.

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The Podcast about Going Beyond Diet and Exercise to Reach Your Health and Fat Loss Goals

by Sean Croxton

I know! I know!

I’m about a week late with this post.

My team and I have been busy, busy, busy piecing together the upcoming Real Food Summit set to launch on Sunday, July 8. It’s gonna be MAJOR! Stay tuned.

A little over a week ago, my main man Dean Dwyer — author of Make Shift Happen — CRUSHED his appearance on UW Radio.

I can talk about mindset, success strategies, and personal development books all day long.

If you don’t know Dean’s story already, he spent 19 years of his life as a vegan/vegetarian but with little success in terms of his health and fat loss. Eventually, he realized that fat loss went far beyond diet and exercise. And he began to incorporate personal development and success strategies to not only his fat loss goals but to his life in general.

In this episode, Dean reveals a handful of the 20 shifts and strategies he outlines in his outstanding book, including:

* How to step away from the fat loss gurus and instead become an expert on YOU!

* Why you should Log Like Captain Kirk in order to collect the necessary data to uncover what works for you.

* The importance of Getting Your Beta On, or why thinking like a software developer can help you upgrade your health and fat loss program.

* How to eliminate on-the-spot decisions by Deciding in Advance.

* Why a Purpose Driven Workout — having reasons beyond weight loss to work out — may be the missing link to staying consistent with your exercise regimen.

* How a book about writer’s block can help quiet the heckler in your head.

* The Power of Less. How small changes have a HUGE impact on BIG change.

I could interview this guy every week!! Like I told him during the show, he’s like my brother from another mother!

Click the PLAY button below to listen to the entire show. You’ll dig it.