Tag Archives: Hal Elrod

Posted by in mind, podcast

Podcast #289:
The #1 Life Lesson I Ever Learned.

From impossible to the possible

Quick story for ya.

It was the Spring of 1996 — freshman year of college.

I was hanging out in front of the dorm with my roommate and one of his fraternity brothers, complaining about about my professors and a brutal round of midterm exams coming up.

You see, exams were just two weeks away and according to my syllabi I had 4 (yes, four) midterms scheduled on one day.

Back to back to back to back.

I went on and on criticizing my professors, each of whom seemed to act like their class was the ONLY class I was taking.

They were setting me up to fail.

It wasn’t fair!

Then, when my 10-minute grumble finally came to an end, the frat bro looked at me and said this: