Tag Archives: cold remedies

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Podcast #298:
Natural Remedies for Cold and Flu Season

Cold and flu season is right around the corner.

What can you do to protect yourself from those nasty bugs going around this winter?

Katie the Wellness Mama stopped by the podcast to reveal her top homemade remedies for cold and flu.

Here are my notes:

2:03 – Check out my talk at The Wellness Family Summit!

3:38 – How Katie gets stuff done with 5 kids and a full load, including homeschooling!

5:24 – A Mother’s Rule of Life: How to Bring Order to Your Home and Peace to Your Soul

6:25 – The fear of being “found out”. What kept Katie from “coming out” as the Wellness Mama.

9:58 – How a history of health problems led to a Hashimoto’s diagnosis.

12:42 – Do homemade cold and flu remedies actually work?

15:29 – How an herbal tonic saved four thieves from The Plague. Plus, how to make it!

18:46 – A recipe (and a precaution) for making elderberry syrup — when to take it, and how much.

21:00 – Natural and SAFE formulas for cough drops and syrup. Perfect for children!

23:00 – A homemade Vapo Rub with coconut oil, bees wax, and essential oils.

24:25 – The benefits of local honey for allergies, bacterial infections, and wound treatment.

25:31 – An old Japanese remedy for muscle soreness.

29:06 – How to make arnica spray for pain and soreness.

30:58 – “The current generation of American children will be the first in 200 years to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents.”

33:26 – Get all of the recipes mentioned in this episode!