Tag Archives: Brain Maker

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Podcast #330:
Brain Maker: How Gut Microbes Heal Your Brain

Dr. David Perlmutter

Guest: Dr. David Perlmutter, MD

Imagine you have two groups of mice…

One group is outgoing and daring, while the other is rather timid and apprehensive.

You’re feeling kinda curious, so you decide to transplant the gut bacteria from the daredevil mice into the more “mousy” rodents. And vice versa.

A couple days later, you check the respective mouse quarters and are beyond shocked to find a ginormous party going on in the “timid” cage.

Meanwhile, the “daredevil” cage has a more library-ish vibe. Quiet as a mouse. 🙂

Somehow, someway, swapping out the gut bacteria between the two groups not only altered their gut microbiome, but also modified their behavior.