Tag Archives: better than before

Posted by in mind, podcast

Podcast #326:
8 Strategies for Creating Habits that Stick.

Gretchen Rubin

Guest: Gretchen Rubin

I assume you read this blog and listen to our weekly podcast episodes because you’re maybe looking to change something about yourself.

Maybe you’re looking to lose a few pounds, or improve your digestion, or heal your thyroid, or learn how to JERF.

Whichever it may be, creating change in your life requires two important things. First, you need to decide. To CHOOSE to make the change. And second, you MUST change your habits.

Because the cultivation of new habits is the fuel for being better than before.

I’m sure you’ve tried this approach before. You read that book … or that magazine … or that blog post about transforming your life through building new habits. But nothing ever stuck.

Before you knew it, your “new habits” slipped back into your old ways. Again and again.

But here’s what no one ever told you…