Tag Archives: acid reflux

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Podcast 272:
How to Fix Your “Bathroom Woes”.


Last week, I spent a day reading Natural Solutions for Digestive Health by Dr. Jillian Teta and was totally BLOWN AWAY by these 3 statistics:
#1. Americans spend roughly $725 million annually on laxatives. (O.M.G!)

#2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affects up to 15 percent of the U.S. population, a number that is likely way below current prevalence, as only about one quarter of people with IBS symptoms seek treatment.
#3. 48 percent of Americans are on at least one Rx drug, many of which have one or more digestive side effect.

One of the biggest issues we have with digestion is that no one likes to talk about it. 
But not me, I can talk about poop all day. 🙂
And that’s why Dr. Teta and I got together for mind-blowing episode on WHY digestive problems are on the rise and HOW to fix them.

Here are my notes!

Posted by in wellness

The TRUTH About Stomach Acid! (VIDEO STYLE)

gerd-indigestion-400x400by Sean Croxton


I remember it like it was yesterday.

Those silly antacid commercials with the man rubbing his chest after a meal, only to be saved by an artificially fruit-flavored chewable that made me wish I had heartburn.

Or the Major League pitcher asking how do you spell relief…

Why these commercials came on during my after school cartoons will always be a mystery.

It’s as if I was being brainwashed from an early age to believe that stomach acid was the root of all things evil.

Come to think of it, Tums and Rolaids were like gateway soft chews to us kids who would later opt for the harder over-the-counter and prescription drugs to combat acid overflow.

Then again, stomach acid decreases with age. So if excess acid is really the cause of GERD and heartburn, targeting eight year olds might be a good idea.

Think about that for a second.

You see, the TRUTH is that ninety-percent of the time heartburn is not a matter of excessive stomach acid but rather too little.