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Podcast #290:
Is Adrenal Fatigue a Myth?


Nora Gedgaudas — author of Rethinking Fatigue — stopped by the show last week to discuss what your adrenals are really telling you and what you can do about it.

As usual, Nora was truth bombing the entire show. Unfortunately, my audio was a bit shaky. The BlogTalk Radio connection is working on my last nerve. If adrenal fatigue were really, I’d say it was killing my adrenals…

I think this Tuesday’s episode will be the final live broadcast. Too many technical challenges when broadcasting live.

Anyway, here are my show notes:

2:53 – Only Nora could work on 4 or 5 books at once!

5:05 – What are your adrenals and why is cortisol important?

9:19 – How “self abuse” like heavy training schedules and burning the candle at both ends sends cortisol into overdrive. 

10:58 – The natural cortisol rhythm — getting you out of bed in the morning and winding you down at night.

12:26 – The BEST test for assessing your cortisol rhythm and output. Plus, the problems with cortisol blood tests.

14:40 – Tired but wired: when cortisol loses its rhythm.

17:27 – Adrenal problems are just about NEVER glandular problems. There’s nothing wrong with the adrenals.

18:45 – Why your hippocampus is particularly vulnerable to elevated cortisol levels and how it leads to cortisol rhythm dysregulation, memory problems, senior moments, and depression.

22:26 – “If you’re taking standard adrenal supplements, it’s not going to do very much.”

25:38 – Your adrenals take orders from the brain. It’s the brain, not the adrenals!

31:50 – Specialized cells in your brain responsible for how much and how little cortisol your adrenals make … and how chronic infections can stimulate or dampen your adrenal output.

42:07 – Why a ketogenic diet is the best diet for adrenal dysfunction.

48:02 – The hidden forms of stress and how their depleting effects on your brain and nervous system.

50:54 – When people go on ketogenic diets, they still may see depressed cortisol on their Adrenal Stress Index (ASI) test.

53:53 – How to find a qualified practitioner to help you get to the root of your fatigue.

58:29 – Order Rethinking Fatigue HERE!




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