Tag Archives: immovable heart unstoppable mind

Posted by in mind, podcast, wellness

Podcast #342:
Immovable Heart, Unstoppable Mind.


Guest: David Zappasodi

Even I can get caught up in this…

At times, I find myself consumed with thoughts of who and how I used to be.

The ultra-lean personal trainer who could eat anything he wanted and never gain a pound.

The guy who could crush himself in the gym for 2 hours and wake up the next day feeling like he could do it all over again.

The one who didn’t have to warm up and stretch for 30 minutes just to keep from injuring himself in the weight room.

Though I know darn well that the 20-something version of me — the always-at-the-gym trainer who surely walked at least 25,000 steps a day — is long gone, I still sometimes wonder if I can ever get that body back.

It’s as if my brain is in the business of fooling me into believing that a set of shredded, six-pack-abs will bring more joy into my life. That I can be happier and more fulfilled one day if I get what had back then.

But living in the past to get somewhere in the future only serves omits the now.