Tag Archives: how to reduce cellulite

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5 Natural Tips
for Reducing Cellulite

Beautiful naked woman legs in a spa with a towel

by Samantha Gladish, RHN

Are you battling cellulite?

From topical creams, to liposuction and butt vibrators (yes, this actually exists!), there are many, and might I say, ineffective ways to reduce your cellulite.

Although these products and gadgets may seem like the way to go — the expensive way to go — they are temporary. Those cottage cheese thighs and orange peel skin will find a way to creep back up and potentially ruin your summer and your short-short shopping spree.

So can you get rid of cellulite?

That is the million-dollar question! Fortunately, you can dramatically reduce the appearance with some simple and effective tricks.

First off, what is cellulite?

Cellulite is simply fat deposits under the skin. The fat pushes up against connective tissue and causes a dimply-looking surface.

If you lose fat, and put on muscle mass, you can get rid of cellulite. Now I don’t expect every woman to run out to the gym and start prepping for a fitness show and training for a body building physique. But the truth of the matter is that women who have a lot of muscle mass and train regularly, have no cellulite.

This isn’t about building huge legs and a large butt, but changing your body composition. Tightening the skin and firming your “problem’ areas will get rid of cellulite. I encourage women to lift heavy weights and commit to hitting the gym regularly.

Being overweight doesn’t always imply that you have cellulite. Thin women have cellulite too! Diet, dehydration, lack of physical activity, hormonal changes; these can all influence how your skin looks, how much cellulite you will get and how visible it will be.

Aside from exercise and weight lifting, there are other ways to dramatically reducing the appearance of cellulite. Here’s my TOP 5 cellulite reducing tips: