Tag Archives: food cravings

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Podcast #311:
Women, Food, and Desire.

Alex Jamieson

Guest: Alexandra Jamieson

I love chocolate.

I imagine it’s safe to assume that I’m not the only chocolate lover around here.

I mean, there are days when I can literally hear the dark chocolate bark (the one with just the right amount of almonds) calling me from the health food store down the street.

“Sean, come eat me. Come eat me NOW!”

Next thing I know, I’m standing in line, chocolate in one hand and a $5 bill in the other, itching to tear open the packaging and devour nearly all of it before I even make it back home.


Maybe chocolate doesn’t have the same effect on you. Maybe it’s pastries, pizza, mac & cheese, bean burritos, whatever.

No, I’m not saying that indulging in not-so-healthy foods from time to time is necessarily a “bad thing”. You gotta live, right?

Nor am I saying that dark chocolate is really all that bad, either. Rather, it’s the almost undeniable craving that doesn’t loosen up until it’s fulfilled.

According to Alexandra Jamieson, author of Women, Food, and Desire and this week’s podcast guest, food cravings have four root causes. They can be bacterial, nutritional, physical, and emotional.

Mine are emotional. Definitely emotional.

Posted by in wellness

Top 3 Tips for Reducing Cravings and Boosting Mood!

Royalty-Free Stock Photography by RubberballBy Kusha Karvandi, Founder & CEO of Exerscribe.com

We’ve all been there.

A long stressful day at work, and we failed to plan our meals accordingly.

Or worse, we exert the time and energy to prepare our food, but office calamity and eponymous ‘fire-fighting’ steal the wind from our sails. So, in turn, our blood sugar turns into a turbulent roller coaster leaving us lethargic, ravenous and ultimately capitulated by comfort food.

But why do we reach for comfort food?

There are three elements which drive us toward the bad stuff: low serotonin, poor gut flora, and imbalanced hormones. And here are three tips for improving them.

Boost Serotonin

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter which is responsible for maintaining our Circadian Rhythm (natural sleep cycles), memory, and boosting mood. Our brain, just like our muscles, consumes blood sugar to function and produce serotonin. So, when blood sugar drops, so do our serotonin levels.

For the sake of efficiency, our body seeks what it knows to be the quickest source of energy to spike serotonin levels: comfort food. The reason being, comfort food is generally composed of processed, refined carbohydrates and/or simple sugars which are guaranteed to give an instant jolt in blood sugar. The problem with this is that not only does this add inches to your waistline by signaling body fat storage, but the brain also recognizes this pattern and begins to crave these substances when your blood sugar crashes.