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Podcast #325:
Natural Tips for Beating Brain Fog!

UW RADIO #325-2

Guest: Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, CS

This week on the podcast, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo — founder of the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology — shares her best tips for beating brain fog.

Here are my notes:

4:56 – How Dr. Ritamarie turned her health around after living life in the fast lane and being prescribed medications for conditions she didn’t even have!

16:55 – Brain fog: Is it normal or just common? What the difference is and how to know if you have a problem.

19:03 – Fat is your friend: what you brain really needs for nourishment and the best places can get it.

23:46 – Too much stress? How it could be affecting you memory and what you can use to ease stress-induced damage and keep your brain cells firing fast enough.

29:21 – Keeping your brain (and blood sugar levels!) healthy. JERF!

33:33 – How vegans can get the nutrients they need and why you might need to supplement … no matter what you’re eating.

35:20 – The Cortisol Connection: how your thyroid and adrenals might be affecting your brain.

38:20 – Brain fog after breakfast? Why it’s happening and what you should be eating to avoid a mid-day crash.

40:33 – How to lift your brain fog with one breath in one minute!

44:26 – Even MORE reasons to get off the gluten.

46:48 – The brain fog tips roundup and the best place to start to clear up your brain fog.

See you in a couple days with bestselling author, Gretchen Rubin!
