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How To Live with Cancer Like a Rock Star!

by Sean Croxton

“I live with cancer. There is nothing I can do about that, other than take care of myself. Some people, they have chemotherapy. I have kale and green juice. And that is all I will ever have.” – Kris Carr

Imagine being diagnosed with cancer.

But this isn’t just any cancer — it’s a rare, slow-moving sarcoma that accounts for only 200 diagnoses in the United States annually. Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EHE), to be exact.

Not only is EHE rare, but there is no treatment for it. No chemo. No radiation. No remission. No cure.

You just live with it.

Kris Carr lives with EHE. When diagnosed at the age of 31, she was given ten years to live.

Ten years ago.

Did she wallow in self-pity?

Did she put her life on hold to watch the sand run through her ten-year hourglass?

Nope, she went to Whole Foods.

She traded in fast food for real food, mixed drinks for green drinks, dance clubs for bookstores.

In other words, Kris refused to perceive her diagnosis as a sentence to death but as a motive to live. Her positive attitude and passion for life has been an inspiration for so many — even the cancer-free.

If anyone can make cancer Crazy and Sexy, it’s Kris.

Today I spent part of my day listening to Kris share her story, as part of the opening day keynote at Kevin Gianni’s online Healing World Cancer Summit.

To be honest, I didn’t know much about her before today (although she and I were named Kevin’s bloggers of the year back in 2010) but she definitely has a new fan in me.

During her Cancer Summit presentation, Kris discussed…

How to put together an integrative team of physicians and practitioners — both eastern and western philosophies — and how to navigate their disputes.

* How to deal with the stress of a cancer diagnosis and everything that comes with it.

* What do if you’re on a budget. Like Kris says, “Meditation is free. Mindfulness is free. Yoga is free.” They go a long way, my friends.

Most importantly, Kris demonstrates the kind of attitude it takes to fight, beat, and live with cancer.

Sometimes a smile can be cancer’s most powerful adversary.

And this brings us to the summit’s second presenter, Dr. Nicholas Gonzales.

Dr. Gonzales has an impressive track record of treating cancer patients with a combination of customized nutritional programs, pancreatic enzyme supplements, and detoxification protocols.

In fact, the doctor’s nutritional program is based on the work of William Kelley, a dentist and pioneer of Metabolic Typing. Whereas we often hear that cancer patients should always consume a diet high in plant-based foods, Gonzales’ diet programs range everywhere from raw vegan to Atkins. It depends on the person and the form of cancer being treated.

Using his unique protocols, he has successfully treated the “untreatable”, including the irremediable pancreatic cancer.

This presentation really hit home with me, as pancreatic cancer took both my father and his mother. With this family history, I can’t say that I don’t sometimes wonder what I would do if cancer caught up with me. I just hope that Dr. Gonzales is around if it ever happens. He’d be my go-to guy. His work is truly remarkable and very well-documented.

It works. Not every time, of course. But with cancer, there are no guarantees. Just options. That is, if you know what your options are.

Options are what the Healing World Cancer Summit is all about. As of tonight, there are four days of life-saving information remaining. Head on over RIGHT NOW to soak up as much as you can. Be sure to take notes! You may need them someday — not just for yourself but for the ones you love.

I wish we had these kinds of summits when my Dad was around. Maybe he could have been one of Dr. Gonzales’ success stories.

Ya never know.

Healing World Cancer Summit



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