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Podcast 228: How to Upgrade Your Memory…Kwikly!

Screen Shot 2013-10-08 at 12.37.09 AMby Sean Croxton

What if you could remember and recite a list of twenty random words immediately after hearing them?

Not just the words themselves, but you can recall them in exact order — 1 through 20.

And that’s not all….

The words are given to you out of order!

For example, 10 is thyroid, 2 is turmeric, 15 is liver, 17 is autoimmunity, and so on.

Would be pretty cool, huh?

If I had to guess, I’d say that you highly doubt you could pull something like this off.

But what if I were to tell you that you can learn how to do it in just 10-15 minutes? You’ll even do it backwards. No kidding!

Imagine how much more information you’d be able to retain if you actually…well, learned how to learn.

Last night on Underground Wellness Radio, our friend Jim Kwik stopped by to share a handful of effective and useful strategies for upgrading your memory — the sun list, the vowel technique, and the hook method.

Gosh, I wish I would have learned this stuff back in grade school…

It would have made life so much easier.

But hey, it’s never to late to learn how to learn.

Click the player below to listen to the entire episode/lesson. Be sure to have a pen and paper handy!

Listen to internet radio with Underground Wellness on Blog Talk Radio

Links To Stuff Mentioned In This Episode

UW Radio: How to Double Your Brainpower (Jim’s previous appearance)
FREE Brain Training Mini-Series
The Kwik System Crash Course

Enjoy the show!


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Top 5 Foods for Brain Health! (VIDEO STYLE)

brain-foodby Sean Croxton

Are you noticing a theme here?

For the past month or so, we’ve been discussing all things brain health, including how insulin resistance and gluten sensitivity damage our noodles, how a brain on fire can leave us feeling foggy, and the role of hormonal imbalances in neurotransmitter and mood issues.

Plus, our pal Jim Kwik — he’s on UW Radio Monday night, by the way — invited us to learn his best kept secrets and strategies for upgrading your memory, recall, and learning speed in this FREE video series.

Today, we eat.

In the video below, Christa Orecchio of The Whole Journey invites us into her kitchen and shows us the very BEST foods to protect our brains…and live longer.

Adding these foods to your diet will reduce oxidative stress, cool down inflammation, and significantly cut your risk of major brain conditions like Alzheimer’s, MS, and Parkinson’s.

Now that’s smart!

Press the PLAY button below to get your learn on. It’s good for you!

Links to Stuff Mentioned in This Video
The Whole Journey Online Program
Underground Wellness Radio – Why Isn’t My Brain Working?
Great Lakes Gelatin

See you next week!

Author, The Dark Side of Fat Loss
Dark Side of Fat Loss

Posted by in podcast, wellness

Podcast 227: How to Clear Up Brain Fog!

BrainBookCVR-199x300by Sean Croxton

And the fog rolls in.

You walk into a room with purpose, then all of a sudden you can’t remember why.

You’re in the middle of good rant and suddenly forget what you’re talking about.

Life is good, but you can’t help but feel depressed and unmotivated.

And those darn keys! It’s like they grow a set of legs when you’re not looking…

If you feel like your brain isn’t quite what it used to be, you’re probably right. Brain related disorders have become incredibly common. Unfortunately, both western and alternative medicine have completely missed the boat on the cause and cure for these issues, typically chalking them up to aging.

It’s not that simple.

While aging does in fact play a role in brain degeneration, there are plenty of other contributing factors that are not being addressed or even considered, including blood sugar problems, autoimmunity, stress, food intolerances, infections, neurotransmitter deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, and more.

Last night on Underground Wellness Radio, Dr. Datis Kharrazian — author of the book Why Isn’t My Brain Working? — joined me for a fascinating discussion about the root cause(s) of brain fog, depression, anxiety, and other common brain problems. Plus, how to fix them!

Click the player below to listen to the show.

Or, click HERE to read the show notes.

Listen to internet radio with Underground Wellness on Blog Talk Radio

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The TRUTH About Stomach Acid! (VIDEO STYLE)

gerd-indigestion-400x400by Sean Croxton


I remember it like it was yesterday.

Those silly antacid commercials with the man rubbing his chest after a meal, only to be saved by an artificially fruit-flavored chewable that made me wish I had heartburn.

Or the Major League pitcher asking how do you spell relief…

Why these commercials came on during my after school cartoons will always be a mystery.

It’s as if I was being brainwashed from an early age to believe that stomach acid was the root of all things evil.

Come to think of it, Tums and Rolaids were like gateway soft chews to us kids who would later opt for the harder over-the-counter and prescription drugs to combat acid overflow.

Then again, stomach acid decreases with age. So if excess acid is really the cause of GERD and heartburn, targeting eight year olds might be a good idea.

Think about that for a second.

You see, the TRUTH is that ninety-percent of the time heartburn is not a matter of excessive stomach acid but rather too little.

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Podcast 226: How to Kick Insomnia’s Ass!

IMG_3917by Sean Croxton

You do not have an Ambien deficiency.

Insomnia can be one of the most frustrating things ever. So I can understand the temptation to turn to prescription sleeping meds to get some shuteye.

At the same time, I’m a firm believer in finding the root cause(s) of health challenges — insomnia included.

The problem is that most medical doctors don’t have the time — and maybe even lack the knowledge — to properly investigate the many possible reasons why their patients can’t sleep.

It could be blood sugar dysregulation, skewed hormones, neurotransmitter deficiencies due to faulty protein digestion, untreated infections, food sensitivities, poor diet, on and on.

Sleeping pills won’t solve any of the above. Eventually they become a crutch. You can’t sleep without them.

You’re essentially paying to sleep.

In my opinion, sleeping should be free.

Last night on Underground Wellness Radio, my friend and upcoming Real Food Con presenter Ameer Rosic stopped by to discuss the most common reasons for insomnia as well as what to do about it.

Click the player below listen to the entire episode.

Or, click HERE to read my show notes.

Listen to internet radio with Underground Wellness on Blog Talk Radio